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Water Cooled Capacitor designed for Intermediate Frequency Furnace For Iron/tin Melting

water-cooled capacitor designed for mid-frequency induction heating power system 

The capacitor is designed with cooling water tube to control the capacitor temperature. When the external cooling water flows through the capacitor through the water tube, the internal temperature rise of the capacitor will be reduced, as well as provide with a temperature upper limit for capacitors. The water cooling system was arranged inside of the capacitor in which to be designed single water tube, double water tubes and 4 water tubes base on its complicated working environment. Furthermore, the good water cooling system would enhance over-current capability of the capacitor, prolonging the lifespan of the capacitor, decrease the capacitor volume and Kvar consumption, and lower the cost.
With development of high-frequency/mid-frequency power supplies, the induction furnaces are popular used for melting metals in continuous cast plants, such as melting iron,titanium,copper,aluminum,silicon etc. The capacitors play an important role in the induction furnace.  The induction melting capacitor banks improve the power quality and power efficiency or tuning the circuit at the operating frequency of the inverter, for the use of the power supply source.

The following is an example diagram of induction furnace for iron/tin melting.

The phase controlled rectifier provides a constant DC current source. The Half-bridge inverters contain four transistors and a parallel resonant circuit which comprised capacitor bank and heating coil. It is important to choose a appropriate power rating for the system. The power system will influence the efficiency of the overall system and the expected weight that to be melted per kWh.

Induction furnace for melting iron

The development of high-frequency power supplies provided means of using induction furnaces for melting metals in continuous cast plants.
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  • induction-heating-capacitor-solution
  • water-cooled-capacitor-supplier
  • smelting-metals-furnace